Some solutions to FML Ed2

  最近闲下来时在翻 Mohri 的 Foundations of Machine Learning(Second Edition). 网上能找到的题解太少了, 自己就边看边做了一些, 大概以后还会继续更(?


  1. Introduction
  2. The PAC Learning Framework
  3. Rademacher Complexity and VC-Dimension
  4. Model Selection
  5. Support Vector Machine
  6. Kernel Methods
  7. Boosting
  8. On-Line Learning
  9. Multi-Class Classification
  10. Ranking
  11. Regression
  12. Maximum Entropy Models
  13. Conditional Maximum Entropy Models
  14. Algorithmic Stability
  15. Dimensionality Reduction
  16. Learning Automata and Languages
  17. Reinforcement Learning